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Achieve Edge-based Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Aggregation Query in Smart Transportation Systems

来源:资源保障部          点击:
报告人 陆荣幸 教授 时间 12月22日9:30
地点 腾讯会议直播 报告时间

讲座名称:Achieve Edge-based Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Aggregation Query in Smart Transportation Systems

讲座人:陆荣幸 教授


地点:腾讯会议直播(ID:241 361 832)


陆荣幸,万事达卡物联网研究主席,加拿大新不伦瑞克大学计算机科学学院(FCS)教授。在此之前,他于2013年4月至2016年8月在新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院担任助理教授。陆荣幸,2012年5月至2013年4月在加拿大滑铁卢大学做博士后。2012年获加拿大滑铁卢大学电气与计算机工程系博士学位,获最负盛名的“总督金奖”;并于2013年获得第八届IEEE通信协会(ComSoc)亚太地区(AP)杰出青年研究员奖。陆博士是IEEE Fellow。他的研究兴趣包括应用密码学、隐私增强技术和物联网大数据安全与隐私。他在自己的专业领域发表了大量论文(截至2023年8月,H指数为85,Google Scholar引用次数31,200+),并获得了10项知名期刊和会议的最佳(学生)论文奖。目前,陆荣幸博士担任IEEE ComSoc CIS-TC(通信和信息安全技术委员会)主席,IEEE TEMS区块链和分布式账本技术委员会(BDLT-TC)创始联合主席。陆荣幸博士是2016-2017年度加拿大新不伦瑞克大学FCS优秀教学奖获得者。


As the proliferation of smart vehicles has fostered an abundance of real-time data, various data analysis tools, such as aggregation queries, are expected to be deployed to extract insights and make transportation systems much smarter. Meanwhile, to cope with the growing service scale, edge servers are employed to collect data and deliver the service, which however provokes privacy concerns related to the reported data and user queries. Previously reported solutions on privacy-preserving aggregation queries focus on static datasets or require data persistence, leading to storage pressure and slower query responses. In this talk, we present a privacy-preserving dynamic aggregation query scheme using edge servers, specifically addressing the problem of online aggregation queries. By combining homomorphic encryption and predicate encryption, our scheme enables the edge server to aggregate real-time data and respond to queries, safeguarding sensitive information from vehicles and data users. The integration of advanced cryptographic primitives ensures data and query privacy and integrity. Comprehensive theoretical analyses demonstrate our scheme’s effectiveness in privacy preservation, boasting a manageable computational and communication overhead. The scheme, thus, presents a practical solution for privacy-preserving dynamic aggregation queries, fulfilling an unmet need in real-time transportation systems.









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